Pets are welcome at East Briscoe in Studio, Barn and Low Barn Cottages. We will try our best to help pets enjoy a stay here. Inside cottages we ask that pets are not allowed in bedrooms and don’t come into contact with the bedding or towels – dog towels can be provided on request.
We charge £12 per dog, per stay, to cover any extra cleaning and wear and tear.
The vast majority of pets who come on holiday are dogs, so given below are notes for dog owners:
- Dogs, like humans, sometimes find that a new place upsets them.
- We recommend that you bring with you familiar ‘toys’ and, in particular, a sleeping rug and eating bowl, also any grooming equipment the dog is used to.
- East Briscoe Farm Cottages are situated in the middle of livestock farms, and many fields have sheep and/or cattle in.
- The only dogs which the sheep and cattle normally meet are working sheep dogs.
- Except in the field set aside for dogs to run free, we ask that dogs, whilst outside their cottage, are kept on a lead at all times, including even the short trip to the car park. We do not make exceptions to the “dogs on a lead” rule even for exceptionally nice and/or obedient dogs!
- Even the best behaved dogs can behave unpredictably around cats, sheep, hens or small children, so once again, keep your dog on a lead!
- We are aware how important it is for most dogs to have somewhere to run free of a lead, and we make available one of our fields for use by dog owners – please ask on arrival, as the field changes depending on sheep movements.
- Dogs fouling the garden or places where people walk causes offence. For this reason we have provided ‘dog loos’ (instructions for use in the cottage information pack) and provide plastic bags for poop scooping.
- Please don’t leave dogs unattended in cottages for extended periods.
- While we are happy for dogs to accompany their owners as they walk in our pastures we ask that dogs are not taken into the woodland as we particularly wish not to disturb wildlife there.
- We know how important it is to owners that their dog has a good time. If you need any help, do not hesitate to ask. Our local vet’s number is 01833 637700.
Reminder: Studio, Low Barn and Barn are our pet-friendly cottages.